Trade Agreement
ADRIA - NEPTUN, spol. s.r.o., Václavské náměstí 26,110 00 Prague 1, Premises: Hotel Zlatá hvězda Třeboň, Masarykovo náměstí 107, 379 01 Třeboň Represented by its General Manager, Mr. Ing. Petr Šot
Company Reg No: 40766519, Tax Reg No: CZ40766519 |
(Hereinafter the Provider)
Customer / company
(Hereinafter the Customer)
The subject of this agreement is the provision of accommodation capacities on an “AD HOC” basis for contractual rates (see Appendix-Rates), provision of restaurant services and other services by the hotel Zlata hvezda Třebon.
Customer shall state any requirements for any services to Provider in written form (e-mail). Telephonic or verbal agreements are binding for both parties only if confirmed in writing (e-mail) within two business days.
Provider shall send invoices for negotiated and provided services to Customer within three business days of the departure of the guest or group.
Provider shall attach to the invoice a copy of the order, voucher and (in the case of restaurant services) the restaurant bill.
Customer shall remit issued invoices in due time so that the respective amount is put to Provider’s account at latest within 15 days of issuance of the invoice.
In the case of overdue payment, Provider has the right to charge interest on late payment to Customer in the amount of 0.1% of the outstanding amount for each day overdue.
The fee for porterage services (from bus to hotel) is 100 CZK in/out per person.
Cancellation fees apply to capacities or services that were not cancelled before the stipulated deadline.
- In the case of cancellation of reservations 14 – 7 days before planned arrival: Cancellation fee 50% of the total price for ordered services.
- In the case of cancellation of reservations 6 – 0 days before planned arrival: Cancellation fee 100% of the total price for ordered services.
- In the case of cancellation of reservations 30 – 14 days before planned arrival: Cancellation fee 50% of the total price for ordered services.
- In the case of cancellation of reservations 13 – 7 days before planned arrival: Cancellation fee 75% of the total price for ordered services.
- In the case of cancellation of reservations 6 – 0 days before planned arrival: Cancellation fee 100% of the total price for ordered services.
In the event of emerging consumer dispute between us and the consumer arising from the purchase contract or a contract for services that can not be solved by mutual agreement, the consumer may file a proposal for outofcourt settlement of such disputes to designated body for settlement of consumer disputes, which is: Czech trade inspection, the central inspectorate - ADR department, Štěpánská 15, 120 00 Praha 2